Tizo All (BRA)
Performing arts

Tizo All is a Berlin-based dancer and performance artist who, during his residency at Earthwise, worked on the dance solo performance called ‘BIO’. The performance has been performed at a number of festivals since 2018, and is touching upon topics such as biodiversity, biography and a criticism of the bio-industry:

Dance/performance/awareness awakening – The loss of biodiversity is reflected in human and nature landscapes – What is called climate crises, is not an accident but a long-lasting historical and political issues which have been not healed. The performance invites the audience to reflect on those issues. To reflect on life the perf performance goes through death. Currents facts are consequences of old patterns. Coloniality has not been erased from our system of production of values and aesthetics. BIO is an invitation to emerge from these matters.
The body is the MANIFESTO  – embody the animal we are – the nature we are – the destruction we promote – the consequences we make – the change we are responsible for.

Main festivals :

  • Performing Arts Festival – Berlin – 2018
  • Plataforma – IberoAmerican Festival – Berlin – 2019: A Brave Post-Colonial world.
  • Spider Festival – Ljubljana – Slovenia – 2020: Radical Bodies
"Between silence and the symphony of birds, I had an amazing time in this beautiful corner of the world"